2015 News and Events
Springfield Rotary's 93rd Children with Disabilities Christmas Party
On December 14, 2015, Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy participated for the third time in the Rotary's 93rd Children with Disabilities Christmas Party at HPER Center at Wittenberg University. We got to visit with almost 170 children who loved the dogs. At time, the kids were lined up with their "handlers" sometimes 10 deep waiting to come see our Best Friends. What a great time we had.
Wittenberg University Thomas Library De-Stressing Event
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy teams went to visit the students at Thomas Library at Wittenberg University on December 11, 2015. The students enjoyed visiting with our dogs as they told us about their pets that they had to leave at home to come to college. They also told us about their school work and upcoming finals before their Christmas break.
Northwestern Craft Show
On November 14, 2015, Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy had a booth at the Northwestern Craft Show, Northwestern High School, Springfield, OH. Great members made for a successful craft show.
Fall Fest 2015
On October 17-18, 2015, we spent a chilly weekend at the Fall Fest held in Snyder Park in Springfield, OH. Best Friends Pet
Assisted Therapy had an information booth to share the joy of pet therapy with the public. Teresa Runkle, Best Friends' member, won the Player of the Year Award when she shared her kerosene
heater with us for two days. She not only had it full of kerosene each day, but she even delivered and picked it up both days and lit it for us.
Crisis Team in Action
On Monday, October 12, 2015, the Springfield City Schools Crisis Team contacted Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy to get some pet therapy teams in Snyder Park Elementary School because one of their paraprofessionals passed away. Several teams responded to this call for assistance. Not pictured is Lisa with Gina.
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
We got to meet and talk to many wonderful Federal employees on October 7, 2015, at the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Kickoff at the Nutter Center in Fairborn, OH. We shared with them the joy of pet therapy and information about Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy asking them to please consider writing down our number on their donation form: 87635.
Woofstock 2015
Woofstock was held this year in Snyder Park in Springfield, OH, on October 3, 2015. Woofstock was a rainy chilly day, but we
stuck it out. There were lots of people attending with their dogs in spite of the weather. Thank you to the Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy members who volunteered to help at our table. Several
of the student teams in our current class even came down to the park to visit with us. Yvonne won the raffle basket. Ms. Francis won the beautiful chrysanthemum, which was donated by Hometown
Growers who also donated more chrysanthemums for our Fall Fest raffle occurring in two weeks. All proceeds from the raffles go to support purchasing pet food for the Open Hands Free Store for
distribution to the needy.
2015 Clark County Health Fair
On September 24, 2015, Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy participated in the annual Clark County Health Fair held in the old
Wren's Building in Springfield, OH.
Enon Eagle News Story
There was an excellent article in the Enon Eagle, Enon, OH, published on September 16, 2015, about Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy.

Champaign Residential Services, Inc. (CRSI) Health Fair
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy participated in the Champaign Residential Services, Inc., (CRSI) Health Fair, in Urbana, on September 9, 2015. We met some wonderful people at the CRSI Health Fair.
Pawking Lot Party
What a great success story the Pawking Lot Party was. Best Friends donated $320 to the Humane Society to help with the cost of adoptions for a total of 16 adopted dogs at the event. Even Wes got adopted late in the afternoon.
The best news at the end of the day was that the Clark County Humane Society adopted 58 animals this week, and at the end of the Pawking Lot Party event, they ONLY HAD ONE DOG IN THE SHLETER. WOW!!
How many Humane Societies in a large county can say... they only have ONE dog at the shelter at the present time.
Other rescue groups were at the Pawking Lot Party. We don't have any information on how many dogs were adopted from them.
Thank you to everyone who came out yesterday to adopt. The sweet dogs (and some kittens) all found wonderful homes to go live in. Even one of our own members adopted Murphy (formerly
Lucky). She reported this morning that he fit in easily with her other dogs. He was a lucky dog.
Splash Zone Dog Event
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy set up an information booth on August 23, 2015, at the Splash Zone Dog Day, Springfield, OH, event. Great weather for the workers and for the dogs to play in the water. Thanks for coming out to see us.
Tails of 2 Cities
We had a great time on August 16, 2015, at the Tail of 2 Cities: Dog Day Afternoon in Eastwood Park, Dayton, OH. Great event and weather! Michelle won the Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy raffle basket. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to visit with us.
Senior Citizen Presentation
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy traveled to Dayton on Tuesday, June 30, 2015, to give a presentation to some senior citizens about pet therapy. Pat and Forrest Hamilton and Dale and Lisa Massie gave the presentation to the seniors. The senior citizens enjoyed the information and really enjoyed the dogs. Lisa Massie supplied the photos.
Wittenberg University Student Visit
May 7, 2015, found Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy once again visiting with the college students at Wittenberg University in the Thomas Library, Springfield, OH. It is a stressful time for the students during finals. We hoped we helped to de-stress the students and visit with those that are missing their dogs.
Volunteer Appreciation at the Cancer Center
Oncology Hematology Care, Inc., (OHC) Center (formerly Springfield Regional Cancer Center) in Springfield, OH, held their Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon for their volunteers on April 17, 2015. Several Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy teams volunteer at the OHC. The OHC only takes a few carefully screened pet therapy teams.
Moose Health Fair
On Thursday, April 16, 2015, the Women of the Moose in Urbana, OH, held a health fair, which was open to the public. Best Friends
Pet Assisted Therapy was present to share the joy and health benefits of pet therapy.
Journey to Independence Health Fair
Later on April 16, 2015, Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy attended the Journey to Independence Health Fair, which was open to the public but was geared towards students and families with children of special needs.
Annual Volunteer Dinner Hosted by the Springfield Regional Medical Center
The Annual Springfield Regional Medical Center's Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was held on April 13, 2015. Our own Joanne
MacGregor received an award for 1,000 hours volunteered at the hospital.
Crises Team Response
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy participated with the Springfield (OH) City Schools Crisis Teams going into three schools as a
result of three students passing. These pictures are from the visits at the pre-school.
Bow Wow Book Brigade
Bow Wow Book Brigade had a great turnout today. Lots of kids came in to the Children's Library of the Clark County Public Library
to read to the dogs. Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy Dogs love getting stories read to them.
2015 Clark County Home and Garden Show
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy set up an information booth at the 2015 Clark County Home and
Garden Show held on February 14-15, 2015, at the Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts and Conference Center, Springfield, OH.