2013 2nd Annual Pet Food Drive Benefits Pet Pantry for Clark County, OH

Proceeds from the 2013 Bow Wow Ween digital pet portrait event held at Meadow View Growers in New Carlisle, OH, along with the donations from generous group members, helped make the 2013 2nd Annual Pet Food Drive a huge success. Meijer of Springfield on Bechtle Avenue, Springfield, OH, and Walmart on Bechtle Avenue and East Main, Springfield, OH, generously donated a gift card and pet food for the pet food drive. On December 30, 2013, volunteer teams helped unload 2, 200 pounds of pet food, which was donated to the Pet Pantry to help feed the hungry pets in Clark County and the surrounding area. Thanks to everyone who helped make this pet food drive a huge success.
See more pictures from the Pet Food Drive in the photo gallery below (click on thumbnail to open gallery and click arrows to go to next picture).
Springfield Rotary Children’s Christmas Party, 2013
For the first time, Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy was invited to participate in the Rotary’s Annual Children’s Christmas Party, held for Clark County, Ohio, disabled children, at Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH, on December 16, 2013. After lunch, the children were treated to a visit with Santa and got to visit Santa’s workshop, where they received a personalized gift. The children rotated through different stations finding Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy at one of them. The kids got to visit with friendly dogs where they also received an activity book for young children, Maddie’s Tail Wag. The ladies at the coat check told us that it brought tears to their eyes to see the kids with the dogs. One of the girls at the party had a small wand, which was a gift from the party. As we were leaving, we stopped to chat with the little girls. One of them told us they made Gary a Prince. He's now Prince Gary. Before leaving the party, an invitation was extended to us to attend the next Rotary Children’s Christmas party.
See Pictures from the Springfield Rotary Children's Christmas Party in the photo gallery below (click on thumbnail to open gallery and click arrows to go to next picture).
Stress Relief Visit at Urbana University, Urbana, OH - 2013

For the second year in a row, Nancy Sleeper, a Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy member, organized a December 5, 2013, visit to Urbana University, Urbana, OH, during the students’ finals week to help them with stress relief. Students came to the campus library to visit with a group of team members with their pet therapy dogs. The visits helped the students relieve the stress of finals week and to give them a dose of a doggie visit. Many students have pets at home that they dearly miss. Boston, pet therapy dog of Keri Frasco, was outside playing fetch with the students. A good time was had by all.
See more pictures from the Stress Relief Visit at Urbana Univeristy in the photo gallery below (click on thumbnail to open gallery and click arrows to go to next picture).
Christmas Time in South Charleston - 2013

Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy visited the South Charleston Library, South Charleston, OH, on December 4, 2013, to participate in their annual community Christmas event. The children of the community came into the library to visit with the dogs.
See more pictures from the South Charleston Christmas visist in the photo gallery below (click on thumbnail to open gallery and click arrows to go to next picture).
Stress Relief at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio - 2013

On December 4, 2013, Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy teams visited the campus of the Methodist Theological School in Ohio in Delaware, OH, for their Pre-Finals Stress Busters event. We were warmly received by the theological students and enjoyed talking to them. While we were visiting there, one of the theological students blessed the Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy mission and the dogs. Thank you to the Methodist Theological School in Ohio for their generous donation. These kinds of donations help us train new pet therapy teams.
See more pictures from the Stress Relief event at the Methodist Theological School in the photo gallery below (click on thumbnail to open gallery and click arrows to go to next picture).