A Big Thank You to Meijer in Springfield!
A busy week for Best Friend’s Pet Assisted Therapy. Yesterday afternoon several members met at Meijers in Springfield to use the gift card donated by Meijers and two gift cards donated by member Kay Tehan. With these gift cards we were able to purchase 416 pounds of pet food, which was given to Open Hands Free Store in Springfield, Oh. This food helps feed the pets of the county who belong to low income families. A big thank you to Meijers in Springfield and Kay Tehan. We also presented to Open Hands Free Store the pet food donated to Best Friends when we went to Wittenberg Thomas Library to visit with the students for stress relief during exam week.
Best Friends Registered with Amazon Smile
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy is now registered with Amazon Smile. Please select Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy when you are doing your Amazon shopping so that Amazon will donate to our group. Thanks!
Use Link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/56-2603516

Chloe Visits Paws To Read Program
On Dec. 1st Chloe with Jenny Woodrum went to the Paws to Read program at Wright Memorial Public Library in Oakwood.

Rex at Miami Valley Hospital Tree Lighting Ceremony
On November 29, 2018 Rex went to the Christmas tree lighting at Miami Valley Hospital
Esme at Dayton International Airport
Esme was at the Dayton International Airport visiting with the travelers. Several flights were delayed, which gave Esme lots of people to visit with.

Best Friends at New Carlisle Public Library
On Nov. 27th Sunny, Chloe, Scarlet, and Reggie got to read with the kids today at the New Carlisle Public Library.
Gary and Norma Visit Hospice Patients
Gary and Norma went to visit the Hospice patients at Springfield Regional Medical Center on Nov. 25th.
Sunny a Big Help at Dayton Children's Hospital
Sunny was at Dayton Children's Hospital where she was asked to go to the Emergency Room and visit with a mom and her 3 young girls. While the doctor and nurses were taking care of one child, Sunny helped entertain the other 2 young girls.
Coral and Colin Visit kids at Dayton Children's Hospital
Coral and Colin at Dayton Children’s Hospital doing pet therapy visits. They decided to take a break in Santa’s chair.
Best Friends Visit Passengers at Dayton Int'l Airport on Busiest Travel Day of the Year
On November 21, 2018 Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy Dogs visit with passengers at the Dayton International Airport on the busiest travel day of the year.
Apollo Visits at The Grand
Apollo with Karen Hobson went to The Grand in Dublin, Oh, to visit the residents. What wonderful holiday decorations they have.

Best Friends at Paws to Read Program at Wright Memorial Public Library
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy members Jenny Woodrum with Chloe and Teresa Schumacher with Etta went to the Wright Memorial Public Library on Saturday, Nov. 27th to attend their Paws to Read program. The kids loved the dogs, and the dogs loved hearing the stories.
Gus and Jeremy new to SRMC
Gus, owned by Best Friend’s member, Jeremy Seifried, is one of the newest pet therapy dogs at Springfield Regional Medical Center in Springfield, OH.

Kida Welcoming Kids to School
Kida at school welcoming the kids to school.

Boston Loves His Favorite Students at Northwestern
The kids at Northwestern High School love Boston. The kids were in the mood to give him bunny ears today.
Ben Working Hard
Ben’s working hard today at Alliance of Therapy Dogs testing at Springfield Regional Hospital. We’ve worn him out.

Boston Enjoys Dressing Up!
Boston was all dressed up for Halloween. Keri Frasco made the costume for Boston.

Best Friends Asks For Support in Combined Federal Campaign
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy's CFC # is 87635.
Federal employees are now particpating in the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), which Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy is registered with. We are a 501(c)3 that trains pet therapy teams to go out to visit Honor Flights, hospitals, nursing homes, Dayton International Airport, cancer centers, and reading programs with children. Please consider Best Friends when you complete your donation form. Thanking you in advance.
Scentsy Fundraiser to Raise Money for Best Friends
Looking for Christmas gifts? Love Scentsy? Please join our Best Friends Scentsy Fundraiser! 25% of all purchases made will benefit our group. Join the event now and please share!

October 30th Busy Day for Best Friends
It was a busy day yesterday for Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy with teams at three different events throughout the day. In the evening four teams went to the Champaign County Board of Developmental Disabilities Regional Advocacy Meeting. The discussion was about the differences between pet therapy animals, emotional support animals, and service animals
New Carlisle Reading Event
On October 31st New Carlisle Library saw five Best Friend’s Pet Assisted Therapy teams present for their monthly reading program. What a fun time kids had reading to their chose of dog!
Best Friends Greet Veterans on Honor Flight
On Oct. 27, 2018 three Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy teams had the honor of greeting the returning veterans on the Dayton Honor Flight that returned to Dayton. The profile picture was taken by another Dayton Honor Flight participant.
Reading Program at Wright Memorial Public Library
Cali visits children at Dayton Children's Hospital
Wonder Cali all dressed up to visit the kids at Dayton Children’s Hospital on October 25th. Great job Cali!

Desi visiting the Kettering Cancer Center
On October 25th Super Desi visited at the Kettering Cancer Center. Thank you Desi!!
Best Friend "Murphy" bringing cheer
Murphy with his owner Lori Saunders doing some community service projects with Rolling Hills RH3 group in Springfield, Ohio in October.
1. They are at Wood Glen Nursing Home
2. Reading Time during Funday Friday
3. Super Hero Day during Spirit Week
Dayton Autism Society's Trunk or Treat
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy went on October 21st to participate in Dayton Autism Society's 4th Annual Halloween Trunk or Treat event. Diane Gallagher and Carol Ackerman with Desi, Phyllis Davis with Nikko, and Margaret Lingane with Ella passed out candy and glow sticks to the kids.
Kida enjoys Halloween Party
On October 20th Kida went to her human’s school Halloween party dressed as a hippie. Kida was checking out the werewolf wondering if it was a distant cousin.
Grady Goes to School!
Wendy Whip has been taking her Best Friend, Grady, with her to work at Rolling Hills Elementary School in Springfield, OH. The elementary schools students are going to go to the new nursing home on North Bechtle next week to pass out candy to the residents.
Coral Visits Dayton Children's Hospital
On October 17th Coral’s made her first official trip to Dayton Children’s Hospital. Ellen Wellmeier Poti brought her to visit with the kids.

Elroy has a busy day!

Back to School Time with Bear
Back to school time at Fulton Elementary with Bear and Sue Westfall.
Charlie makes visits in Urbana
On October 8th, Nancy Insley and Charlie went to visit CRSI and Head Start in Urbana.

Cali Goes to Dayton Children's Hospital
On October 8th Cali did a great job at Dayton Children's Hospital today cheering up some very sick kids on the Heme/Onc unit. She was showing her Buckeye Pride too⭕️🙌🙏⭕️

Best Friends Reaches Out at Ft. Dawson, WV
On October 5, 2018, Best Friends was being represented at a Gold Star ⭐️ Family event in Ft. Dawson, West Virginia! Everyone LOVED Ruby and new member Brent Randall!
Apollo Visits The Grand in Dublin, OH
On October 5th, new member, Karen Hobson with Apollo, went to The Grand in Dublin, OH, to visit with the residents.

Best Friends Attends CFC Kickoff at the Nutter Center
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy went to the Nutter Center in Fairborn to participate in the Kickoff of the Federal Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) on October 3rd. We are requesting that the Federal employees kindly consider our nonprofit pet therapy group when they complete their CFC application.
Our CFC number is 87635.

Pipi is Happy to be Back with Her Preschool Class
Pippi is back with Mrs. McKeever’s preschool so the kids can read to Pippi. Pippi is happy to be back with the children.

Cali Celebrates Black Dog Day at Dayton Children's Hospital
In honor of Black Dog Day, Cali went to Dayton Children’s Hospital to share those pretty blue eyes with her friends to bring a smile to their faces on OCtober 2nd.

Chuy's Fundraising Event
September 14, 2018, Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy attended a large fundraising event at Chuy's located at the Fairfield Mall in Beavercreek, OH. Ten percent of the proceeds from 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm were going to be donated to Best Friends. Frye Guy, from local radio station 99.1 FM, was present to help bring attention to the event. There were many pet therapy teams there to visit with the attendees. Thanks to Chuy's for hosting this event!
Honor Flight Dayton RV Return
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy went on September 23 2018, to help welcome the returning RV veterans that traveled to Washington DC with Honor Flight Dayton.
Barclay's Twitter Fans Send in Donations
Thank you for the donations received in honor of Barclay's birthday from his Twitter fans: James Hicks of Hampshire, IL; Lisa DeSpain of Kennesaw, GA; and Ann Probst of St. Louis, MO.
September 2018 Honor Flight Returns to Dayton Airport
On September 8, 2018, Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy met the Honor Flight's return to Dayton International Airport.
Best Friends Goes to CRSI Health Fair
On September 6, 2018, Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy attended one of their favorite health fairs, Champaign Residential Services, Inc., (CRSI), in Urbana, OH
Best Friends at the Springfield Farmer's Market
On Sept. 8, 2018 Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy helped out at the Mercy Health booth by handing out information. Here is Corey Franken with his best friend Mickey and Norma with Gary.
Testing teams for Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD) membership.
ATD testers/observers test our newest members for our Septemeber 2018 class.
Kida Greets New Students
Kida went to school with Molly Arneson greeting the students as they came to school to learn who their teacher was and to visit their new class.
Best Friends Enjoys Annual Potluck Picnic in Enon
A sunny Sunday afternoon found Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy members enjoying their annual picnic.
Sunny at Dayton Children's Hospital
Sunny is modeling her fashions at the Dayton Children's Medical Center's Volunteer Dinner and at the Dayton Children's Medical Center where she celebrated her birthday with her new friend.
Scarlet visits Butler County Juvenile Facility
Scarlet visited with the kids and staff at Butler County Juvenile Facility in August. Even the staff enjoy the visits from Scarlet.

Residents enjoy Lexi at Hometown Manor in Kentucky
Lexi, Judy Butcher's Best Friend, is famous in Kentucky as Lexi is in an ad for a local assisted living community. Lexi loves hanging out with the residents. Judy is pictured in the chair between the two other beauties.

Reggie Visits Runway Fest
Reggie made a new friend at the Runway Fest at the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport in Miamisburg, OH, on Friday, August 8, 2018.

Bailey makes a special visit at Springfield Regional Hospital
We received a request for a pet therapy dog to come to Springfield Regional Medical Center to the Heart Cath section to make a special delivery to an employee needing a pick me up. Serious health issues in the family. So Bailey made the special delivery to her.

Cali is a Super Hero!
Cali was a Superhero on August 6,2018, at the Dayton Children's Hospital. The kids loved her superhero outfit.
Best Friends at Wright Memorial Public Library
Chloe with Jenny Woodrum and several other Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy teams went to Wright Memorial Public Library for the kids to read to the dogs. Susan Emerson with Emmy and Rene Oyola with Kia were also part of the reading program.
Therapy Dogs at New Carlisle Library
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy went to the New Carlisle Library on July 31st for their read to the dogs program.
Scarlet Visits Butler County Juvenile Center
Sarah Leonard with Scarlet visited the Butler County Juvenile Justice Center in July, 2018. Best Friends' presence is spreading throughout many counties.

Stephanie Welter and Hercules featured on Channel 45 News
Stephanie Welter, Best Friends' member and officer, was on Channel 45 the other day sharing information about 4Paws and the 4Paws dog, Mulder, that they have for their son, Joe. Stephanie's Best Friend, Hercules, is a 4Paws breeder dog. Best Friends has several members with 4Paws dogs or retired 4Paws dog.
Sunny Visits Dayton Children's Hospital
Sunny was visiting with her friends at Children's Hospital in Dayton, OH, on July 27th. Picture was taken on the second floor, looking down on the new atrium and main entrance to the hospital. That is an interactive dragonfly.

Reggie Brings Smiles to Employees of Good Samaritan Hospital
Good Samaritan Hospital is closing soon. Reggie goes often to try to bring a smile to the employees' faces.
Best Friends works Mercy Health Table
Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy worked the Mercy Health table on July 7, 2018, passing out shopping bags for the farmer's market shoppers. Anyone asking about our dogs, you know we were glad to tell them about them.
Best Friends at Next Edge for Speedway's United Way Kick-Off
On June 20, 2018, Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy went to Next Edge to help with Speedway's United Way Kick Off.
On July 4th Esme and Jaimie Visit Dayton Int'l
Esme and Jaimie at the Dayton International Airport on July 4th. They met a lot of new friends.

Therapy Dogs Send Off for Peace Corps Volunteer
On June 29th, two of the Best Friends Pet Assisted Therapy Dayton International Airport Dogs saw off the daughter of one of our members as she leaves for the Philipines for 2 years for her Peace Corp adventure!!
Best Friends at Peace Camp
Several Best Friends teams went to Roosevelt Middle School in Springfield to visit with the students of Peace Camp.